2020 CFA Bengal Standard for COLOR CLASSES:
The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.
Bengal Color Class Number
Male Female
Brown (Black) R/S & Marble Tabby.........9202 9203
Snow R/S & Marble Tabby..............................9260 9261
Lynx Point R/S, Marble & Charcoal Tabby (Includes all colors) Mink R/S,
Marble & Charcoal Tabby (Inludes all colors) Sepia R/s, Marble &
Charcoal Tabby (inlcludes all colors)
Other Bengal Colors & Patterns..................9210 9211
AOV....................................................................................9298 9299
Breed Council Change Considerations:
While the 86% of the Breed Council voted to move forward with the 2018 suggested color classes for our breed, the CFA Board of Directors turned our change down due to lack of numbers to justify all of these classes. We will need to start conservatively and add color classes as the numbers justify. In 2020, we were able to pass 2 major classes. Firstly, we separated out the :"Browns" into their own class and secondly, we separated out the "Snows" as well! (I didn't think that the later would happen when you see the numbers shown - Teresa)
There are many sets of numbers here that are important here:
A. The number of kittens/cats registered with these colors during the past year
B. The number of kittens/cats shown with these colors during the past year
C. Total numbers registered/shown since Bengals came into CFA.
D. Most recent numbers registered/shown
While I (Teresa Seling) will continue researching what will be needed in order to break out color classes (recent inquiries tell me that it's a bit of a moving target), I have been advised that we probably have enough of the Brown (Black) color class to break this away from the others.
NOTE: Rose highlight indicates a "Strike-through" of wording in the Bengal Breed standard to be removed. Gold highlight indicates an "underline" which is new wording being proposed to add in to the Bengal Standard.
1. Consider changes to the COLOR CLASSES by separating all the "Browns" into their own class and all "Snows" into their own class as follows:
the following information is for reference purposes only and
not an official part of the CFA Show Standard
Bengal Color Class Number
Male Female
All Colors…………………………………………………………………………….............................................................……xxxx xxxx
Brown (Black) R/S & Marble Tabby....................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Snow R/S & Marble Tabby.........................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Lynx Point R/S, Marble & Charcoal Tabby (includes all colors)
Mink R/S, Marble & Charcoal Tabby (includes all colors)
Sepia R/S, Marble & Charcoal Tabby (includes all colors)
Other Bengal Colors & Patterns.............................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Remaining Charcoal R/S & Marble Tabby
All other accepted Colors & Patterns not listed above.
AOV.................................................................................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Melanistic & Smoke patterns, AOV colors and Long hair
A. This would put all Brown Rosette Spotteds together for judging (brown marbles separated as suggested in 2018).
B. This would put all Snows (Blue Snows, Snow Charcoals, Snow Silver Charcoals) together in a group for judging making it easier for judges to compare the aspects of the coat - Pattern, Texture, Color, Contrast and Clarity. This group contains all of our "lightest colored" Bengals.
C. Combining all of these colors into a single color class will not give us the individual classes that we voted to approve last year, but it will give us a section where "like colored" Bengals will be grouped together. It is better than having them positioned inbetween Browns and full colored Charcoals.
D. CFA does not create color classes unless it is warranted by both kitten/cat registrations and show entries - Our best hope of getting snows sectioned out is to combine them into a larger group.
E. Remember, in CFA, there are no points awarded for achievements within color class - This is really about grouping cats by "like color" so that they are not accidentally penalized and have the opportunity to be positioned next to other "like colors".
A. The CFA BOD may not feel there are enough snows/silvers being shown to justify a class of it's own. So, I have proposed a 2nd option "if this does not pass the BOD", that will separate only the "Browns" helps to ensure that at a minimum, the brown Bengals are moved into a separate class. (This suggestion to only separate "Browns" was given during the February 2019 meeting by the BOD where the 2018 proposal was discussed)
PROPOSAL #75 ON THE 2019 BALLOT. Results: 40 Yes, 27 No - 67 voters means 34 "yes" votes needed to pass. (Only 50% needed for this question in order to pass) PASSED Council vote. Also, PASSED BOD vote on 2/1/20 and will be part of our standard.
2. ONLY if Proposal #75 is not passed by either the Bengal Breed Council or the CFA BOD, separate out the “Browns” into their own color class.
the following information is for reference purposes only and
not an official part of the CFA Show Standard
Bengal Color Class Number
Male Female
All Colors………………………………………………………………………..…….............................................…..xxxx xxxx
Brown (Black) R/S & Marble Tabby.................................................................... xxxx xxxx
Other Bengal Colors & Patterns............................................................................ xxxx xxxx
All Charcoal R/S & Marble Tabby
All other accepted Colors & Patterns not listed above.
AOV...................................................................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Melanistic & Smoke Patterns, AOV colors and Long hair
A. If the breed council and/or CFA Board does not want to separate out the Snows into their own color grouping, then this would allow for us to separate Browns at a minimum. This is a fallback position.
B. This would put all Brown Rosette Spotteds together for judging (brown marbles separated as suggested in 2018).
C. This would still separate all the Snows, Blues, Charcoals and Silvers into thier own group under "Other Bengal Colors & Patterns". While this may not be idea for us a breeders and exhibitors, it is a logical next step and is still better than currently mixing all of these colors within the Browns.
D. CFA does not create color classes unless it is warranted by both kitten/cat registrations and show entries - They may not want to pass Proposal #75 so I would like to offer them the option to chose either.
E. Remember, in CFA, there are no points awarded for achievements within color class - This is really about grouping cats by "like color" so that they are not accidentally penalized and have the opportunity to be positioned next to other "like colors".
A. The CFA BOD may not feel there are enough snows/silvers being shown to justify a class of it's own. So, I have proposed this 2nd option that will separate only the "Browns" helps to ensure that at a minimum, the brown Bengals are moved into a separate class. (This suggestion to only separate "Browns" was given during the February 2019 meeting by the BOD where the 2018 proposal was discussed)
PROPOSAL #76 ON THE 2019 BALLOT. Results: 39 Yes, 28 No - 67 Voters means 34 votes needed to pass - PASSED Council (as only a 50% requirement to be brought to the Board). Since Proposal 75 Passed (more color classes), this question was not considered as it was written as a fall back position to question 75.
Breed Council Change Considerations for 2019 that did not get on the Ballot:
A. Get Twilight Charcoals (Apb/Apb), Midnight Charcoals (Apb/a) and Melanistics (a/a) separate color classes for registration. (still to be included in the "Remaining Colors" section for color classes)
A. Since the cat fancy has separated out the Colorpoint genetics, it may make sense to separate out the Agouti genetics.
B. It's important to track these variations for future possible genetic issues that could come up.
B. Consider changes to the COLOR CLASSES as voted "YES" on 12/18 but wasn't approved by BOD due to showing/registration numbers:
CURRENT: Male Female
All Colors..........................................................................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
AOV.......................................................................................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
2018 Proposed (I am including this for reference only - as the Council already voted "YES" to it in 2018 but was rejected by the BOD):
the following information is for reference purposes only and
not an official part of the CFA Show Standard
Bengal Color Class Number
Male Female
Brown R/S Tabby...................................................................................................................................................... xxxx xxxx
Black Silver R/S Tabby.......................................................................................................................................... xxxx xxxx
Any Color Charcoal................................................................................................................................................ xxxx xxxx
Any Blue R/S Tabby (includes silver, Pointed, Mink and Sepia)...........................................xxxx xxxx
Seal R/S Lynx Point (includes Silver)............................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Seal Mink R/S Tabby (includes Silver).........................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Seal Sepia R/S Tabby (includes Silver).......................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
Any Color Marble Tabby.......................................................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
AOV.........................................................................................................................................................................................xxxx xxxx
A. The CFA Board of Directors did not feel that there enough cats in each of these color classes to justify creating this many new "Color Classes".
B. A few of the CFA BOD and Judges suggested to us at the time of the February meeting that we probably had enough cats being shown within the Brown/Black color group to separate it out by itself but that this was the only group.